The New OC

Now OU students have a comfortable place to sit and relax, while doing some homework.  They also have various food options to choose.

Recently Oakland University has undergone major construction in the Oakland Center.  The construction started April 6, 2017.  I went in and took photos of the new place to eat, study, talk with friends and just about everything else the new OC has to offer.  There are rooms to study in as well as banquet and meeting rooms for the general public.  I asked different students what they thought of the new place and there were mixed reactions.  Most said they really liked it, but others said it was no big deal.

Max Silk fiercely looks over his homework before class on Oct. 23, 2018 in the Oakland Center.  He is able to enjoy a table to himself in the new OC.

Andrew L said, “I think it is really cool how modern it looks now.  I have been a student here at Oakland for 4 years now and to see the changes are pretty awesome.”

Another student, Mike T stated, “I like how there are more places to sit because there used to not be many and it would be a challenge to find one.  I also enjoy the new food choices there are now.”

A look from the back of the OC on Oct. 18, 2018 as some students walk in and others walk out.  The official ceremony is set for Friday, Oct. 26 at 11:00 am.

“Sure it looks good and it is an improvement, but that has got to be the really my tuition has gone up every semester I have been here.  After I graduate I will not have to look at or be in the OC ever again, so this really does not do me any good.  I have tickets at the new Little Caesars Arena and I compare it to the new OC.  LCA and the OC are very alike.  They are both new and modern, but they are expensive and they are not worth what I am paying,”  Dan Y said.

Stephanie Petree smiles while doing homework in the new and improved OC Friday, Oct. 18.  Petree is a senior at OU with a major in communication and a minor in digital media production.

It is split and everyone has very valid and important points.  For freshman and sophomores it makes sense for them to be happy with all the improvements.  For juniors and seniors it makes sense for them to be a little upset that their tuition has increased for this.  It did not increase by only $10, but closer to $25 or $30.

The new OC is set for a ribbon cutting ceremony on Friday, October 26 at 11:00 am.  To RSVP:

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